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Old 07-18-2012, 10:03 PM   #2
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Garage in wired into the cars power? I've never looked into one. My Sony hu has auxiliary input that I use for my ipod.

You could buy one of those that plug into the cigarette lighter(already setup for 12v), hard wire it into power, and hide it under the bottom tray(lots of room under there...that's where my digital tv converter is going). Then just route the headphone jack to a good location. I'd just drill a small hole into the the top of the tray/compartment and route it into there. That way you could plug in your ipod or phone and just set it in the tray...everything well hidden.

I'm still on the fence about the DD Chinese unit as well. Great unit and price, but that bezel and cage are beyond outrageously priced.
That, and the whole theft issue. I'd be more worried about my top being cut or window broken than I would be about the stereo being stolen.
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