Thread: 986 Poetry
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Old 05-06-2012, 02:18 PM   #32
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I was inspired today... It's in the 80's here on the central coast of California.

Why didst thou drive Boxster on such a beauteous day?
To enjoy top down and traffic admiring thee on thy way:
And to relish travel forth without thy coat,
Smelling all scents under the sun, including diesel smoke:
'Tis not enough that through the traffic thou break,
No Boxster beauty can Ford, Chevy, nor Chrysler make:
To feel sunburn pain on thy uncovered face,
Top-down heals embarrassment no disgrace:
Though thou repent not buying “S” model, slight loss,
Thy smaller nine-eight-six ‘tis still a blast driving auto-cross:
Windows down, top down, sunshine slight grief,
A Porsche cap and Maui Jims provide relief:
Ah! But those tears are not from speeding windblown eyes shed,
They are tears of joy and happiness driving thy Boxster sled.

300K Mile Club
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