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Old 03-15-2012, 02:00 PM   #2
Burg Boxster
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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you can do one of three things...

- find the male connector (BeckerAutoSound in NJ used to sell) - overpriced plus you'll still need to either splice into or add connector on other end and locate whatever you are doing w/in the wire length given (< 6" IIRC)

- take a std bullet connector Spread it open enough at the seam to trim a 'smidgen' off the barrel using wire-cutters or tin-snips. Then re-close to smaller diameter. I did this to add a hidden cig lighter outlet and worked great.

EDIT: See 1st attached image as previous flickr image now missing

- use 3m tap-splice or vampire connectors behind the plug on the wires. Sorry no pix but I did this on someone else's car and it also works great.

Here's the pin out in case you need

EDIT: See 2nd attached image as previous flickr image now missing

Attached Images

Last edited by Burg Boxster; 01-04-2018 at 07:22 AM. Reason: Replaced now missing flickr images...
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