Originally Posted by tonycarreon
seriously doubt he contested it. i don't know about PA or MA, but in MD a red light or speed camera ticket is nothing more than a $ maker for the precinct. cheaper to pay than contest it and they do not show up on your driving record or cause any points. the ticketing and collection is outsourced to a third party, with an actual police officer responsible for "verifying" the data is correct. in fact, the state is working on passing legislation that removes the police review requirement so the 3rd party can churn and burn the ticket mailings.
Right. It is only $40 for the ticket and it does not go on record because anyone could have been driving the car. And the spoiler was up because I pushed the button by my feet to put it up. I keep it up all the time because I like the looks of it better than when the spoiler is down.
Anyways, keep the black boxster pics rolling.