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Old 02-26-2012, 10:51 AM   #37
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by pothole View Post
Ummm, that article was written in November last year and also states the weights for the 991 are estimates...which, I need hardly point out, turned out to be wrong. It puts the bottom estimate at 3250lb or 1,475kg.

In fact, the DIN weight for the new 3.4 is 1,380kg. Figure for the 996 3.4 was 1,320kg,so less than 150lb difference. Given how much bigger and more sophisticated the 991 is, that's very impressive.

Not to say I wouldn't prefer the 991 smaller and lighter. I would. But it's complete nonsense to say the 991 is fat. As I stated above, it's incredibly light for its size and power and makes some of if not most of the competition look a bit ludicrous.

P.S. Can't believe you guys still measure this **************** in lbs and ins. Mental.
...and then the road tests showed they were on with the estimate

The nice thing about the history article is that it shows how, just like people, the 911 gets bigger and heavier as it ages. When the Corvette is lighter than your sports car, it should be an indication that there's a problem.

So back to the original point of the post, IMO, Porsche no longer makes special cars, they no longer make unique cars, and they are not any more robust than others. The things that used to make Porsche's different no longer exist. They are now a name on a luxury line up of GTs and Trucks. The relevance to this sports car fan is gone.

Last edited by blue2000s; 02-26-2012 at 11:54 AM.
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