Originally Posted by gRed04
Who is going to check the car out? This looks to be a pretty small pre-owned dealer and I doubt they have expertise in Porsche. There is Napelton Porsche in Westmont, that is pretty close ( maybe 15 minutes or so from the car ).
No affiliation just the closest Porsche dealer.
Since you have a little time before you are coming out have you looked at autotrader.com? In Chicagoland we have at least 5-6 Porsche dealers and several luxury only pre-owned dealers within about a 30-60 min. drive in any direction.
I've checked the poop out of Autotrader.com and found nothing for this kind of money with the mileage and options this car has.
As far as having the car checked out, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I plan to go there and inspect the car myself, ensure the car has no defects, and ebay motors warrantees the car for like 3 weeks or so. I also plan to purchase an aftermarket warrantee. They have some good ones out there, so I should be ok with that.
I was just curious if you wanted to go out there when I go to look.

I live in Memphis TN, so the car will go to Gosset Porsche if it ever sees the inside of a dealer. My problem is I don't trust people with my cars. I know I can do a better job than most mechanics because it's my car, so I will take special car of it. ya know?
I will soon find out if I am in over my head though