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Old 09-30-2005, 08:53 AM   #5
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re: top color, to my highly subjective eye, blue is just too "cute" and a bit of an arresting contrast to seal, when the contrast i want noticed to the seal is the beige interior. yes, black is a contrast, but an expected one, not so arresting; standard, if not classic. as for grey, it is just too light for my taste for a top, and, while not arresting, that lightness itself would detract from the beige contrast with seal. of course, i am just trying to put into words what are completely subjective opinions of my own, and i must admit that the game of balancing the 3 color choices was the hardest part of my option process. in the end, i am a muted blue/grey guy, so seal it was for the body; the darker interiors were too "stuffy" for me on an already muted color, so i took beige -- i just love the contrast and think it makes the seal car look "open" and "fun." and, finally, the black top did least to "get in the way" of the other two choices.

it's funny how having to write about something really makes you think about it. anyways, those were some of the "reasons" behind my choices. i'm sure there's others i can't express. but i appreciate the prodding!
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