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Old 09-23-2011, 12:19 PM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
not to be a debbie downer but it's really in the prep not so much the product.
I have a garage full of every boutique brand including Zaino. As long as I prep the cars equally and thoroughly before the product goes on, and unless you are a SERIOUS expert, you would not be able to tell the difference between the car I finished with a $10 auto store over the counter product and a $30 boutique brand.

What happens is that since most people doing this first the first time don't know what they're doing the detailing product companies dilute the concentration to avoid mishaps. And its obviously cheaper to produce -- more profit. The cheaper stuff just requires a little a more elbow grease but you are however keeping $20 in your pocket. Handy for gas money...
The fact is that today's modern paints are exteremely resilient. A once over with a lubricant and clay bar and you've got 99% of the shine back. Just about any synthetic or Canauba spray will get back the last 1% and add a little more.
I really doubt whether you even need sealants on those paints, especially if you are enthusiast that never leaves the paint bare for too long. These guys from all these detailing products tweak 18 different products slightly and try to sell you on how you need four or five. Nonsense. A solid polish (1) to clean and protect (maybe twice a year tops) and wax to shine (monthly for carnauba a little longer for a synthetic). maybe a last step (LSP) prouct to give it teflon slippery finish every couple of weeks if its a daily driver. Heck even the cheap stuff like Mothers and Meguiar's will seal for the entire season unless you live in Central Florida or Arizona where the Sun just melts away clear coats.

My favorite: Werkstat Prime and Carnaua Spray. Very concentrated, minimal elblow grease. After a wash I'll cover with Finish Kare #425 which is great for lazy people. I buy it by the gallon and keep a spray bottle in the trunk.
In total agreement. Just about anything makes the car shiney.

The impressive thing to me is that after 9 months with no garage, the finish is still relatively smooth and the water still beads tightly on my DD using Z2. I've not had other synthetic products like Mirror Glaze high tech wax last even half that long, let alone the carnuba based products like Mother's.

On the flip side, I take care of a 1967 Mercedes SL that sees use maybe 5 times a year and sits in a garage under a cover the rest of the time. That car never needs to be waxed, even over years of time. It's always shiney and water always beads. Now the rest of the car suffers, but the finish holds up great.
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