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Old 09-06-2005, 01:34 PM   #52
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Posts: 18
i agree with sticking with full coilovers if you're going to lower the car. i wanted to cheap out and just do springs, but i'm so glad i didn't. The ride with the pss9 is great. my fiancee commented that it actually feels more smooth than stock, although i'm not sure i agree. rebound is way quicker, and handling is night and day. if you thought the boxster handled well before (like i did) the pss9 makes it seem like i use to drive a truck and now it's a oversized go-kart. it could have a little to do with the slightly different tires. before it was michelin pilot sport, now it's pilot sport xs or something like that, although the current tires only have about 30% tread left. i've also got the suspension on the middle dampening setting so i think the it's suitable for most people as you can go softer if you so desire. definitely worth the extra bones and can't wait to take her to the track or autocross.

and oh yeah, at the current ride height, i've had no problems with clearance. the back is set to the lowest and the front could go a couple inches lower. although if you have a body kit, you'd probably have to be extra careful,or set the rideheight higher.

Last edited by chapel; 09-06-2005 at 01:38 PM.
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