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Old 07-31-2011, 07:26 AM   #3
MN 986
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I am very sorry to hear about problems with the top operation. Since you say the top works manually and the other components are all good, I cannot imagine how anyone could charge $1000 in labor to fix your roof.
Like Peter said, there are many good posts and also check out Wayne's '101 Projects' book or guides/posts at Pelican for help.
I am not an expert but (as you know) I have also replaced a top assembly and, before that, one of the cables from the motor to one of the transmissions, and I don't think it would be too hard to figure out where the problem is. If the motor is running, I would start at the beginning (with the rods disconnected) by making sure the cables are good and that they are turning the transmissions, then check the condition of the rods and arms coming off of the transmissions. Alignment from side to side is also very important. When one of my cables failed I was out of town and the top would not operate. It made some scary noises until I realized the problem and changed it to manual operation by disconnecting the rods until I could fix it. I was lucky because others had posted about bending or breaking other parts while trying to operate the top with only one side working. I was able to get a new cable for about $30 at the dealer, then I carefully aligned the sides using cordless drill on the cables, and reconnected the rods and everything has worked great since then.
I sure wouldn't spend that much money without knowing exactly what they think the problem is, and I bet you can solve it yourself.
Good luck!
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