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Old 07-27-2011, 10:53 PM   #1
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Euro headerss/cats vs US headers/cats

I've got a 2001 euro base boxster with tip. Am interested in modding a sports cat and possibly with sports headers.

The problem I have is that the euro base 2001 boxster has no cats on the headers, only the "secondary" cats, which in my case are the primaries and are monitored by o2 sensors.

Can I use the '99 US specs sports cats to my stock euro headers ?

I'm just wondering if the entire exhaust system on the '99 US spec cars are the same to my 2001 euro specs ?

I had checked with fabspeed and they can't tell me whether I can just order the '99 US specs stuff and fit on my car... Unless I change the entire setup from headers to exhaust... which is pretty expensive and I'm not looking for more sound, just a freer flowing cats and headers.
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