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Old 06-22-2011, 09:23 AM   #22
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Posts: 253
CAR and DRIVER, Nov. 1966. Ford Cobra, 427, 0 mph to 100 mph to 0 mph, 14.5 sec.
Of course, my Boxster can't do that. Point is, I can get my 2000 base to 127 mph and back to 65 mph in seconds flat. Have not tried to find top end, but this car had plenty left. Road raging rice rocket was right on my ass, so I got away from him and got right back to posted speed limit. Lo and behold, about .5 mile ahead an Ohio State Trooper was standing in the highway, point to ricer, signaling him to pull over.

Had my top down, looked up and saw the state police airplane right overhead.

This car can go very fast then back down to reasonable speed again in VERY short time.
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