Thread: Dead Boxster?
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Old 06-21-2011, 05:30 AM   #26
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Johnsimion, you are hitting a lot of the points in my mind. I am probably going to end up renting a car for most of this transition time. I'm driving my daughter's vehicle for now but she will have school to go to in a couple weeks. So there's rental car expense to consider plus the hassle factor of trying to sell the dead one. On the other hand, the mechanic that will put in the used one said it will take 2-4 weeks to be done which I interpret as 4-6 weeks. Even if I didn't need the $ from selling the dead one to get the new one, it would likely take some weeks to find the new one.

The warranty on the rebuilt engine is 12K miles 1 year. The 1 year isn't relevant since the car will be driven about 15k miles in the year before I turn it over to my son.

Even if the choice was between buying another Boxster for $20K vs current Boxster + $14K, which choice would likely give me the most miles out of the car? I don't think about resale because either car will very likely be driven until it is dead. Maybe I am under estimating the quality of the Boxster I can get for $20K? I am thinking the engine in the $20K Boxster would be more likely to crater than the rebuilt engine for $14K.
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