Originally Posted by KellyC
Does anyone else other than me have to SLAM the frunk hard to get it to latch shut? Is there an adjustment for this? I know it's not going to break, but I feel so silly slamming it shut so hard every time I use it. 
I had a 99 Box, now I have a Cayman, and on both of them it requires a only gentle push on the Porsche crest with the palm of my hand to close the frunk and make it click shut. It's a beautiful, precision sound. If you have to slam it shut, you badly need an adjustment, and maybe an attitude adjustment if you think slamming any part on a car won't break it.
Not going to break? HAH! If you are slamming the lid and you aren't in just 100% perfect alignment, it could very easily twist and ruin the hinges, if not the lid itself. This actually happened to me on my Dad's old Buick when I was a teen and as a result I ruined his hood, and that Buick had a lot stronger hood than the frunk on my Porsche, especially the flimsy aluminum one on the Cayman. Ever since then, I've been really careful about shutting hoods and trunks. You'd better get an adjustment, because IMHO you risk damage every time you slam it.