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Old 01-13-2011, 08:20 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by The Radium King
from what i understand, the ipd version actually disables one of the intake resonance flappers (designed to tune the intake at low rpm) the idea being to flow max air at high rpm (gets all obstructions - like resonance flappers - out of the way)...............

interesting. i didn't realize they were doing that, too. this is again misguided, IMO, since the point of the resonance valve doesn't have anything to do with flow, only with NF.

i hadn't seen the flow field charts; that would be interesting. the biggest piece of data missing, IMO, are graphs of pressure vs. RPM at each intake runner. betcha dollars to donuts ANY of these items will create an imbalance. the intake really needs to be analyzed as a system.
'99 Boxster
3.4L Conversion
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