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Old 12-23-2010, 11:29 AM   #17
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Are there any cars

like/better-than a Boxster?

For an answer to that question, the fun is trying to answer it for yourself. I can't answer it for you because I'm not you.

When I bought my first Boxster, I didn't go looking for a 986...I actually went looking for a 928. Once I had driven one, I kept looking. H2000, XKE, Vette, BMW..the list went on. Many I drove less than a mile before I turned around. Often the salesman looked at me returning in wonder .... "anything wrong" he'd ask. "No, nothing wrong...I'm looking for a car that just grabs me and this isn't it."

I bought the first Boxster I drove and turned around after perhaps 2 miles. I knew even before I got out of the seller's residential neighborhood this was the car. (She was selling to make room in her 4 car garage for a Hummer because she didn't drive it to the club any more!)

Now it might not be the car for you. That is why I suggest devoting a month to driving cars and sampling. Once you hit that car that you feel is right for you, you'll know.

(I had owned 2 Alfa roadsters and a 914 30+ years before. Family stuff since then. My 914 experience wasn't a good one, I wasn't prejudiced towards buying a Porsche, far from it.)
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