We have updated reliability stats for the Boxster and Cayman that include owner experiences through September 30, 2010. Other sources of car reliability information won't cover the months since April until the summer or even fall of next year.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2008: 59, about average
2007: 61, about average, small sample size
2006: 53, better than average
2005: 45, better than average
2004: 71, about average, small sample size
2003: 55, better than average
2002: 92, about average
2001: 98, better than average
2000: 69, better than average
1999: 156, worse than average, small sample size
Important note: these cars are only driven an average of 5,500 miles a year, about half as much as the average car. No adjustment has been made for this.
I'd like to report specifically on the IMS failure rate, but we will need more participants to do this. A few more failures have been reported recently, but still about two to three per 100 cars in the past year.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates, possibly including additional model years depending on the number of participants, in February and May.
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