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Old 12-11-2010, 03:23 PM   #34
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Quote: Only when Sasha innocently says to the officer, "I was coasting down the hill and he / she backed out and hit me." Then it gets enforced and Sasha's responsiblity ratchets up because of the citation.

Originally posted by husker boxster

Don't listen to him Sasha, just use some common sense. First off, when someone backs onto a road with traffic and hits a vehicle already traveling on that road, the responding cop is going to be pretty busy writing up the failure to yield ticket for the person who was clearly at fault in causing the accident (ie the backer). Secondly, when involved in an accident, you never offer unnecessary info, only the very basics---especially self-exculpatory stuff. Not "I was coasting down the hill when this guy backed into me" but "I was driving down the hill when this guy backed into me." It's a truthful statement but doesn't cloud the issues with superfluous (and irrelevant) details.

I suspect, unless he's a jerk or you bad-mouth him, most law enforcement officers wouldn't even write you up for "coasting", even if you were to offer up such information. It's just so obvious that THAT had NOTHING to do with a collision with somebody negligently backing into traffic.
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