Thread: Fleeced! (?)
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:23 AM   #18
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02box, your comment is true for owners of 97's like me, but not for 2007+ owners. Their cars are worth far more than a $12k motor swap.

Conversely, I met a guy with a 2000 base model this morning at the dealership (I was getting a tech check for the De this weekend).

He said he's put 50k on the car since new ten years ago driving it weekends and pretty cool days here in Houston (of which there are about 20 a year) and has never done a thing to it except change the oil annually and the brake pads once during that time.

He was at the dealership because he put a new battery in the car over the weekend and the top cycle got off somehow. The dealer fiddled with it and fixed it in the drive bay.

We all need to hear stories like this from time to time to balance out the horror stories.

BTW, my car has run like a top and been totally repair free for two years now. Of course, I replaced just about every single part on the car except the passenger radiator and the body work, but I'm just sayin'...
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