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Old 11-17-2010, 11:10 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Gatineau, Qc
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Originally Posted by Gary H
Vipola, I don't really understand how you can come across so negatively and then end with 'don't take it personally'!! How else would you take it? Attention seeking? Trust me, I've been there, done that - you may have heard of a small US forum called VWVortex? Well to have your Golf voted the best car on there - especially as I'm in the UK is a pretty big thing. Previously to that I had a 5-series BMW with an outrageous bodykit that even WCC (if they'd been around) would have been proud of, and in it I built a World-renowned Stereo system...but have now come full circle - from All Show and no go , to full-on Go with a little show

Okay, I admit my comment was rude.. I retract it..

There is many way to talk about mods..

When you show what you did, how you did it and why and all that it's very interesting and you learn alot, and everyone will agree for sure..

But it's when peoples just go crazy list mods just for listing mods and putting all kind of irrelevent details like the color of ther underwhere that really don't say anything, in the only goal of getting more line that the guy beside.. this is what I find useless..

Hope this will help you all understand what I tried to say in my previous comment
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