Originally Posted by rick3000
It took me 20 minutes to save $700 because the online Porsche community is so helpful!
People like everyone on 986forum are the best part of having a Boxster!
Rick, I totally agree. Between this forum, Renntech, and people like Pedro, Mike Focke, and Jake Raby there's a wealth of information from very knowledgeable people sharing information. Honest helpful people.
One of my project cars is an old Cosworth Vega and there is only one Cosworth Vega forum and in general they're helpful but on many subjects they refer you to the Cosworth Vega Owners Association which is a paid member site and they will not share any information unless you're a current member. I've found more snooty people on a friggin Vega forum than on most Porsche forums! I refuse to join some elitist club who single handedly control a particular car parts market just to maintain my car. It's unfortunate because it's a cool little car but I do my own research and track down parts by other means. BTW, the Vega is for sale.
I'm so glad there are options for the Porsche cars and is supported by cool people.