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Old 09-20-2010, 09:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by xtremecc
I used to throw my keys on the table till i had same problem. pry open you key. usually lock/unlock button comes unattached from board. just put a small point of soldering with a soldering iron. check both sides. hope this helps.
I had the same problem, sort of, except it was the button that was hooped, not just separated from the board. I replaced the button and all good.

However, the OP is saying he can't get the trunk buttons to work either, so he's got some other issue. It is odd that both of them don't work at all. A "receiver" problem?

To the OP, there are some ways of "rebooting" a key - search the forum (and RennTech). If that doesn't work and the battery is good and in properly, then you likely need new keys.
2001 Boxster, 5 spd, Seal Grey

Last edited by clickman; 09-20-2010 at 09:45 AM.
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