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Old 06-06-2010, 08:06 AM   #4
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De-snork flow

Lets leave out intake tract acoustics and ECU response to airflow changes which affect performance. Assuming that these that these factors are not affected by de-snorking, we now basically left with flow considerations. A normal Boxster engine has to draw air in like a pump. Flow losses upstream of the engine will reduce the flow rate at a given rpm. Fluid energy is lossed by having to make through obstacles. Air flow is a tricky thing; one has to test what is an obstacle in combination with everything else.

Generally section changes, area reductions, sharp edges surface friction all give rise to losses in steady state pipe flow. The flow loss reduction or lack there of, with respect to a de-snork comes down to the flow losses associated with the snork (area restriction; the cup is a sharp edge vs. the sharp edge you are left with upon its removal. I would guess that the huge intake area increase would just beat out the losses associated with the air box sharp edge....but one has to test.

I did this mod for sound; it is fanastic and I want more of it. If you are after a significant power go for an under drive pulley instead. I do get worse fuel economy because I am hard on the throttle enjoying the sound!

One day when I get around to it I will fabricate and post my solution to the de-snork sharp edge
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