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Old 06-02-2010, 02:21 PM   #7
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Thinking about this, the diameter of the snorkel from one end to the other should not really matter. In dealing with fluids, there are two things to distinguish between: flow speed and flow rate. Flow speed is just the instantaneous speed of a molecule of fluid (in this case, air). Flow rate is the amount of fluid passing a cross-sectional area given a unit of time. Flow rate is what we're interested in if we want more horsepower, torque, etc.

Though the snorkel does converge in, I don't think removing it would do anything to increase the flow rate of the air. You have to remember that the end where the snorkel connected is same diameter as that end of the snorkel. So, even if you do remove it, the size of the hole for the air to be sucked in is still the same.

Originally Posted by backman_z
I was ambivalent about it, until I spoke with Jaay (whose posts are all over this forum). So I removed the snorkel. I agree with what he told me: “Just look at the snorkel.” There is a very significant narrowing at the end closest to the side air vent. I just got the snorkel and traced the inside of both ends as best I could, just to take a look. Without getting out my protractor and brushing up on my geometry, I would guess that there is about a 40-50% reduction in size from the large end compared to the small end.

Now, how many people spend all lots of cash to increase the diameter of the air intake system in order to improve airflow. You cannot convince me that the small end of the snorkel does not constrict airflow, even if only a little.

Did I notice a difference in performance? Not sure. I like to think I did, but it could all be in my head… in any case, I'm keeping it out.
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