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Old 06-02-2010, 09:06 AM   #43
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Texas
Posts: 101
Sorry to hear about the vandals. People do things for a myriad of irrational reasons, I've found it is best not to get caught up in asking why idiots act idiotically or escalate things, but to keep moving forward positively. You'll graduate school and buy your second Porsche soon enough... hopefully the next one won't have a high school parking sticker on it.


An older Porsche with a "falling apart" motor that needs replaced sat unlocked in the middle of the night 6 houses down from your's and got vandalized to the point it may be a total loss while the one item of real value was removed.

This, at face value, will raise some serious red flags with the insurance company. You're in a tough situation here, hopefully everything works out for you.

Sometimes instead of a total loss check, the insurance will offer a smaller check and allow you to keep possession of the vehicle. Maybe don't fix the interior and put all that cash in an engine rebuild?

EDIT: Thought I should mention some wholly unsolicited thoughts on this: things that seem really difficult financially will dissipate largely once you begin your career and have real paychecks rolling in. It might be best not to fret over the financials of owning a Porsche when you're in college as it may require some sacrifices and measures that just aren't worth it.
'04 986 Aero - Seal Metallic Gray
Fabspeed: Maxflo Mufflers, Headers with sportcats, Tips; Alpine & Infinity sound

Last edited by davemon; 06-02-2010 at 11:39 AM.
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