Sorry about the high school sticker in the window, its a memento from my senior year. Im a junior in college right now, but I had the car since I was 16, and had the only Porsche in my schools parking lot that was filled with Bimmers, Mercs, Mustangs, and Cameros.
The more I think about it, it was a personal attack, I was coming back from White Castles with some friends, the other guys were in a mini van behind us. We all noticed a white Sebering pull a U turn and follow us into the neighborhood and turned the other way down the block, stopping only 2 houses down. It was odd now that I think about it but there are other 20 somethings that lived down that way so I didnt think anything of it at the time. (8 people can vouch for that car doing that).
As me and my friend Shawn pulled into his drive way it was pouring rain so I didnt stop and lock the car with the key (Both of my remote heads dont work, one is missing the chip, the other isnt coded to the car.) at 12am.
I came out at 2am to leave, it had stopped raining about 30 minutes earlier and I found the car with both doors slightly ajar and my cabin light on.
The only problem I have is thinking about who would do that to me. I haven't had any problems with anyone for over 2 years, I left all the high school drama behind as a rational adult should. I've been single and haven't dated in 2 years since my ex of 3 years broke my heart and the best thing about that is she lives 36 miles away on the other side of Chicago.
I know that everyone who mentions shady motives is just bringing up the possibilities, but as I've said before I love my car. I just put in a new sound system , its my dream car, and I've been planning on dropping a new engine, rims, suspension, etc into the car this winter. I keep reinforcing that I love my car as much as the next guy on these forums, a true enthusiast, because every time I keep hearing of what some people do to defraud the system it is very perturbing to me. Sometimes you just feel something not directed or intended to be malicious towards you to offend you, you know what I mean?
Back to the car, in the morning I'm going to take her to Rizza Porsche which thankfully is only 2 miles from me to get an estimate just for the interior and not the sound system which is covered under a rider. Then State Farm is sending out an adjuster to view the car here on Thursday.
I'm going to be devastated if they decided to total the car.

Hopefully not. I'd honestly like to be buried in my car 60 or 70 years from now.