I don't think your pictures uploaded. I don't see anything. Hopefully, things go smoothly with the insurance and repair.
Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Here are the pictures....  It took me all morning to bring myself to go out into the garage after getting off the phone with my insurance.
The police report was filed around 2:30 am when I found the car, and I'm not sure what you mean by that phrase Topless, I love my car just as much as anyone else, especially after dropping mega $$$ on putting in a new sound system and planning to drop a new engine into the car over the winter. I feel like a mini Jayy.
Oh, and in the seat pictures it is hard to tell but there are cuts going from the top of the headrest down besides the stabs, my camera couldnt pick them up in the lighting all too well.
Parts for sale: 4-spoke Steering wheel, air bag, and leather cover ($350 + shipping), Rear zipper storage bin ($100 + shipping), CDR-210 Factory OEM radio, casing, and keys ($100 + shipping), Hand brake handle and hand brake sensor ($50 + shipping), Manual factory leather shift knob ($Free + shipping)