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Old 05-28-2010, 11:20 AM   #6
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You realize you just described

The cost of a lots newer perfect used Boxster.

I know the emotion, I totaled my first Boxster and my first thought was "oh golly, I ruined a Porsche".

Stereo $3k plus fixing whatever caused it to blow

Paint $8k

Engine $12k

Interior $2k

Tires $1k

Hassle...immeasurable. And you'd have a 2 accident car when you are finished with lots of other really really old parts that could fail any time.

A Boxster is a Porsche...very much. But unless you have a bag of gold you have to treat it as an investment decision.

Maybe sell to someone who wants to make a spec racer out of it and so the paint and interior matter little and the engine would have to be gone over for their uses anyway. They will pull the stereo. And be using special tires.
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