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Old 01-24-2010, 05:39 PM   #1
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Cycles needed to satisfy the monitors?

Using an Actron CP9125:
When I plug in the Actron CP9125 to check my CEL I get the following codes:
P0410, P1411 and P0430.... these I know and understand.

I also get Inspection / Monitor status of: Misfire, fuel, comp, etc. and a Ready status of A/C Evap etc.

Per the Actron book, the Monitors Incomplete and Ready Monitors are read from the car’s computer and the Incomplete indicates that the car’s system has not run a sufficient number of “cycles” to flip over to a “Complete” status.

Does anyone know how many cycles/miles/hours need to be run by the car in order to “Complete” a monitor status in the Porsche computer? I’ m looking for the exact number or an explanation, not just someone’s guess.

My Porsche mechanic drives a Saturn.
'98 Artic Silver w/ Tip
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