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Old 01-12-2010, 09:37 PM   #12
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Since starting this thread I have been able to drive my car alot more and also get some experience with a friends car that has LSD. Necessary is a stretch but it does make the car more fun. Now, I would say that if your intent is improve upon the sports car that is the boxster then yes it is worth it. better launch, cornering and all that. (burnouts become more fun too but 2000 for better burnouts is well steap) Also if you do inclement weather driving then yes again. But if you rarely push your car and you just like to cruise moderately then LSD may not be the way to spend your 2 grand.

or think of it this way. you could spend 2 grand gaining a few HP or spend 2 grand making sure every pony you currently make is getting to the ground running.
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