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Old 12-22-2009, 03:49 PM   #1
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Posts: 212
Drive train question: AWD?

Earlier today I was looking at some of the new 997C4s and C4Ss... and a thought struck me. "How hard/is it possible to convert the boxster RWD to an AWD using C4/Turbo parts?"

With so many knowledgeable people on this forum, and those who know more about Porsches than I will probably ever learn in my lifetime (Jake, Pedro, etc.) I pose these questions to you.

1. Is it possible to convert a boxster from RWD to AWD?

2. How much would it cost if possible?

3. Would you ever convert your Boxster to AWD if you had the opportunity to?

4. If porsche offered a new boxster or cayman with AWD would you opt to buy the AWD model over the RWD model, and why?

I feel that sometimes I think and daydream more than I should.........

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