I have to chime in on this one.
I am a criminal attorney - 10+ years of experience. What I am about to say is NOT legal advice - I don't know your exact situation, nor do I wor in YOUR jurisdiction, so I am NOT an expert in the laws that apply to YOU in YOUR state - so I am just speaking in "general" terms about driving offenses. Every case is different.
First, I'm not going to cast stones and accuse you of being a speeder. When I was 19, I had my fair share of citations for speeding...not as many as you apparently have had.... but I also didn't have a Porsche when I was your age either...
In terms of what a person in your situation should do - Hire an attorney. THEY can give you solid legal advice as to what you should do. You can explain your situation to them, in total confidence, and they can best advise you how to proceed. There are lawyers that specialize in traffic cases and DMV hearings. If your privilege was suspended - you have the ability to request a hearing with your local DMV and contest the suspension.
If you can't afford to hire an attorney to actually represent you, you could just go in for a consultation and get advice. Someone in your area would likely meeet with you for a reasonable fee and advise you - they would know YOUR local rules/regs/laws.
What is true here in CA may not be the case in your state. A local professional will know what is best for YOU in your area.
Just a word of caution, however, if you truly are suspended, you should VERY cautious about driving until you get this resolved. here in CA, driving on a suspended license is a misdemeanor. In CA, if you are cited for driving on a suspended license, the police CAN tow and IMPOUND your car. the impound can be for a MONTH. That means the car is HELD in impound for 30 days, you are NOT permitted to retrieve it - and impound fees RACK UP into the thousands while your car sits there. It becomes very expensive just to get your car back from teh tow yard. Plus, the new offense carries more points than the average speeding ticket - resulting in even more suspensions of your privilege to drive. Given your propensity for being pulled over - driving while you are suspended sounds like a BAD idea as you will just dig yourself into an even deeper hole.
Just speaking in terms of "bang for the buck" however, If the suspension was only a month - honestly, by the time you hire someone, they schedule a hearing, and you get it resolved, your suspension may already be over, so you have to assess the "value" vs the "cost" for going that route. It may simply not be worth it.
Get good legal advice in your area....and try to slow down.