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Old 11-01-2009, 05:13 AM   #30
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The record you see is different than the one the judge has in front of him/her when you are in the courthouse. The judge gets the full unedited list. You have "a tough row to hoe" as the saying goes. If it were the same cop or the same 2 cops stopping you but if it's 20 different cops, you are going to have a hard time getting anyone to think 20 different officers are all harassing you. It's very likley some of them were routine stops because you do look suspicious. However for sure some are deserved. I know that when I go from my F-150 to my 986, if I'm not taking turns at 1.5-2 times the speed I'd drive the truck at it just feels slow. If I take a 35 MPH corner at 45-50 it's still so far below the limits of the car I dont even consider that "spirited driving". What you think you're driving and what you're actually driving could be 2 different things. when i drive my truck (dd) my kids always ask me why I drive so slow. When I drive my 986 I have fun that's what I bought it for. Having said that I'm selective where I have my fun which is why I've not had any tickets/accidents in the box. My son has a prerunner truck for a daily driver. He has been pulled over and ticketed 2 times but both were when he was in my stock clean F-150. The first he tried to tell me I was going with the flow and not the fastest. My reaction "yeah right". The second was different and I helped him get it dismissed when it smelt fishy. If he got pulled over even 10 times, as a parent I'd have done somehing earlier. If I really believed it was just the car, a change in the dd would be in order.
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