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Old 11-01-2009, 05:12 AM   #29
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 10
You guys are incredible! Do you really believe that most cops are clean? I hunt and fish with a club of around 35 guys of which the majority are cops. Let me tell you, the sickest individuals are them. They brag about their abuses and using the law to their benefit. In other words they exaggerate in order to bust individuals. Their envy of money and nice cars is incredible. They feel that the world owes them something and that people that have worked hard to get were they are all trust fund babies.

Get a good lawyer and sue the heck out of them. Maybe he will loose his job and have to go to school or like most of these clowns end up in Burger King. I'm tired of everyone living with the rose colored glasses on. The truth is that the entire country is becoming a fascist state were cops are free to abuse their power.

I know what your replies will be so save your time and don't bother. Continue living in Mayberry with aunt bee. You still believe that we are living in the same country were right and wrong was the real law of the land.

By the way, no tickets for me since I was 25 and driving a modified Miata. They do target you when you are young and have a sports car. And yes, they do have quotas to make. The easiest ones to bring up to a judge are the young guys with sports cars because the reaction is predictable. No one is innocent until proven guilty any more!
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