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Old 11-01-2009, 02:32 AM   #28
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My daughters friend is a little older than you but graduated from Villanova with a 4.0 in Engineering,went to work for GE with a sizeable bonus, fullfilled his contract and is now at Drexel working on his PHD in Electro Chemical Engineering. He doesn't drive a Porsche because he probably didn't start working till he was 15 because he was a NCAA swimmer. He now coaches swimming. He probably has been pulled over more times than you and didn't think he deserved any of them. He whines for a week when he does get pulled over. I was with him once and he should have been pulled over. Brains do not preclude stupidity. Most older people realize that a person is the sum of all his good and bad points, youth assumes that one good point ( fair grades) makes all other things dissapear. Stop Whinning. JMHO Ed
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