Boo-Hoo... What a friggin Whiner!
You drive a Porshe at 19 (which M&D presumably supplied you with) and you want to call foul at the cop?
Give me a break!
Yea, I'm sure the cop singled you out... fabricated the whole thing to up their monthly quota on the supposition that you'd NEVER fight it and have M&D pay the fine!
God Damn Him! How dare he???
Surely, you, and your social prominance, have demonstrated that you are above the law as it is applied to mere social men!
I mean, your SAT scores alone PROVE that you are above a momentary lapse in judgment!
I think they should fire his ass and revoke all of his hard-earned pension and send him packing if not for justice, than to merely teach him a lesson.
'Course that is just MHO.