Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Many people would say its my driving habits, but it isnt for someone who rarely speeds and loves the right lane like it was my long lost puppy.
hmmmm, adam, very odd here - you're statement above doesn't match you're statements on this board from the past. I don't think you're being very truthful with us...sadly, until you stop blaming others (ie, "the man") and start taking some personal accountability, you're going to get pulled over again, lose your license longer, or worse, hurt someone.
Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Well some states like Illinois have whats called an "Engine Braking" Law which means flooring it from 0-45 will result in a ticket if caught.  .
Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Boxster101, personally I think he doesnt give Porsche drivers a bad name, we ALL do it ...
driving isn't a right, it's a privilege, and your privilege is being taken away because the state has determined that you are a risk to yourself, and others...time to learn and grown from the message they are sending you, if not for your own health, but for those you share the road with.