Ok guys, so here is the deal and I still don't know what to do.
On September 1st, 2009 I was segregated. pulled over, and harassed by a Police officer from the neighboring town (Orland Hills). I was just coming home from school around 11am, traveling eastbound on a 4 lane street (2 lanes each way) I was in the right lane. Off the corner on the northside of the street I was traveling a cop had a black couple in a white older civic hatchback pulled over. I made my right hand turn south at the light, went up 6 blocks and saw police lights passing 4 cars that turned behind me.. and pulled me over. The street I was on (traveling east) was the dividing line for my town (Tinley Park) and the town this police officer served (Orland Hills) He chased me down 6 blocks into my own town.
After he pulled me over he harassed me and threatened to arrest me. His reason for pulling me over, Squealing tires. Now I had my convertible top down, no music, and 3 cars turned behind me. I didnt squeal my tires. No one did.
I was to the point where I actually called my towns nonemergency number and had them send a squad car out because I felt uncomfortable from my treatment. After the cop gave me the ticket, I had to follow him back to his station/village hall to pay my $75 bond in cash.
Outside the building... he changed his attitude and told me that if I originally told him that I coach football (peewees) for that town (Orland Hills) he would not have wrote me a ticket.
I went in, paid my bond... then decided to talk to the Deputy Chief of Police for Orland Hills.... and guess what. He harassed me and treated me like a little punk with a rap sheet a mile long. I honestly wish I recorded the conversation as he would now be suspended for the way he yelled at me and what he said to me. Also a harassment lawsuit.
Now I have been pulled over around 20 times because of my age (19) and my car (my Boxster) Never have I been treated the way I have and I knew it was wrong. Being young I do expect to be looked down upon and targeted because of my age and car to some extent. This was just overboard and I would never go above and beyond to do what I did next without good reason. I went and filed 2 formal complaints, one for the officer and one for the deputy chief.
I then talked to the Village Manager... explained what happened. He told me he would take care of the ticket and not to worry about it.
FAST FORWARD TO Yesterday....
I received a letter in the mail from guess who??? None other than the Secretary of the State saying that because of that ticket (squealing tires) and a speeding ticket I got over 14months ago....
MY LICENSE IS TO BE SUSPENDED FOR 1 MONTH... guess when? 11/03/09-12/03/09. I got the letter 5 days before my license is to be suspended.
Now my problem.
I never got a court date on the ticket.
I was harassed. Two times.
I was told the ticket would disappear.
I filed 2 formal complaints.
The video evidence from the squad car will support me.
With out my license... I will FAIL this entire semester of school that I paid for. (I drive to my school that is 15 miles away 7-9 times a week) Also I WILL LOSE MY JOB because I cant drive.
Now I only have 3 days left to do something about it.
The back of the sheet said I have to go back to the courts where the ticket was done to appeal it or challenge it... but how do I do that? I had no court date, no judge, or anything.
I already went back to the Village Manager and the Mayor... guess what, they were both in down town Chicago for depositions. I left a message yesterday morning... 2 days now went by, and no word back.
WHAT DO I DO??? Do I get a lawyer? Do I file harassment suits? How do I stop this from happening???
Any help or anyone in the chicagoland area who know a good lawyer or can do me a favor would have my deepest gratitude and I would owe them a few. Remember, I honestly was targeted because of my car and my age.... and now Im getting the shaft out of no where again. Ohhh the joys of being 19 going on 20.