Thread: Is this bad?
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:25 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Topless
Probably not the best idea you ever had Blink. Sounds like you are overdue for some track days.
Tell me about it man. Thankfully the big wide streets of Elk Grove are empty at night and the freeway to get there from my house is 8 miles in a straight line! It's a good spot to stretch your cars legs.

Just got really really pissed about a 6 hour long spark plug change...damn coil pak came loose after I changed the plugs,I started up the rumbled...15 seconds later a flashing CEL(P0301- Misfire Cylinder 1 damage to cat.) ...then to top it off once I got it all squared away the car had a pingy sound that I spent another hour trying to figure out what it was. I think it was just extra gas being burnt off in the combustion chamber of cylinder 1 cause it slowly went away. At least anything related to the spark plug,coil pak and stuff looks really clean now.
-99' Zenith Blue 5-spd...didn't agree with a center divider on the freeway
-01' S Orient Red Metallic pit...sold to buy a house

Last edited by blinkwatt; 09-08-2009 at 09:27 AM.
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