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Old 07-29-2009, 08:45 AM   #23
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
The joys of crossposting... Of course a "Parrot" ended up posting my comment about armchair wrench turners over at PPBB at the link below..

I stated exactly what I feel and will stand behind this, because I am confident in the abilities of the components we have developed,and the data I have collected from them through time in the lab and in my personal cars. This data is continually supported by the results that others experience through first hand experience with the components- not assumption. (JFP's experiences are just one example)

Of course I cannot reply to the posts of those on PPBB because the site "expelled" me....

PPBB has a lot of great people, but it also has some people that are totally in left field.. They have no data and probably don't own a tool box, but they'll argue based on something they read in a book...

So when all the traffic from PPBB comes here to look at this post that was linked, just realize that you aren't getting the "Rest of the story" about why I am not welcome to post there... They never did deposit or cash the check that I sent them for sponsorship of the site for some crazy reason.. It's been MIA for over 6 months now.

I was treated like a red headed step child on PPBB and my Clients had their posts deleted for absolutely no reason.. The answer is YES, I am bitter about this! Anyone with a spine would be just as bitter... We are busting our asses to develop and create solutions (and SHARE them) for these engines and what do we get in return??? Pure BS!

Feel free to crosspost this. I stand behind what I post, just like what I develop.

Last edited by Jake Raby; 07-29-2009 at 08:51 AM.
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