I think I have their business plan figured out, and why they do little for the IMS RMS issues....
1. It allows the private sector to prosper.
2. It frees up men and materials for newer, better innovations.
3. If you think of Porsches in a different term, lets say for easy comparison Marijuana ( I am not promoting the useage or sale of drugs, its for comparative reasons alone). Porsche sells the best kind of weed, but as with the best you have to pay for it. Even if you get some soso or not so good things in your stuff from Porsche.. its still the best and youre addicted. They know you will keep coming back for more no matter the cost or problems.
Ironically, Ive never done drugs before.... other than prescription.
At least Im addicted to the best... and not Mustangs like my mother (shes had 14 of them so far
