Thread: Radar Detectors
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Old 05-06-2005, 05:13 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
my understanding was that the wireless solo and the 8500 are the same circuitry with regards to the K's and Lazer, the difference being the added POP.

and also I agree both will be different in the accuracy dept of their warnings in different situations but my point was more geared to the greater filtering of warnings by the Escort, accurate or not.
In this department of filtering warnings, the two are very different from each other.

an to my understanding the V1 seems to be the best at spotting lazer from a trailing vehicle. I believe in the last big test it was the only unit that did in fact detect laser from a moving vehicle.
Case shape and material, antenna shape, and all kinds of weird things such as mounting bracket location can play a role in performace. If the Solo and 8500 are indeed similar internally, they can still perform differently in the real world due to the above factors, as well as the added POP circuitry.

In any case, the "filtering" of the 8500 seems to not give me a problem. Even with it's filtering out of falses (and maybe some real signals?), it still, in my real world experiance and some tests, beat the V1 by a significant margin in the Ka band.

Since that's the band used in my area, not laser, the 8500 is the unit for me to have. The V1 simply lags by seconds and hundreds of feet. That's not what I want protecting me.

Of course, if there is laser being used from moving cars from the rear in your area, go for the V1. Even when it fails, you can get that tossed, because that use of laser should not stand up in court. Fortunately, it's a non-issue for me.

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