Thread: Radar Detectors
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Old 05-06-2005, 09:00 AM   #33
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I have an 8500, and a friend has a V1. Coming back from lunch one day, each in our own cars and travelling next to each other on a 4 lane raod, I got a weak instant-on Ka warning. We were (predictably) at 10+ over the limit, so I scrubbed off the extra speed. He, with the V1, shot ahead and didn't hit his brakes for another few seconds, then he did the same on another burst of Ka.

Arriving back at work, we talked about why I had slowed up so early compared to him. Short answer... same road, car position, radar signal, my Escort had better sensitivity than his V1, and alerted me earlier. Put them both in a different situation, and it could be the opposite.

Some test have shown the 8500 to be the better detector, and others show the V1 to be better. Drivers have gotten tickets with both. I firmly beleive that, no matter which you choose, you can't drive any faster than you're willing to get a ticket. If you do, you're rolling the dice, and you *can* come up a loser.


Oh, and the Solo wireless is not as good as the 8500 or the V1, so it doesn't surprise me that Perfect's friend got a ticket with it.
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