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Old 04-10-2009, 05:46 AM   #2
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did you send them a b&W copy of a high quality color scan?
did you send them a copy of the entire thing or was it just a portion of it?

it seems odd to me that someone would want to see the title of the car so bad they needed it emailed. what was the reason they claimed they needed to see it?

it sounds weird to me. i agree with you,, ,just having a copy of your title isn't going to allow them to necessarily commit identity theft, or some other financial crime,, but it gives them a start. i might park the car indoors for a while. not that a copy of your title would pass as genuine to anyone who knows what to look for - but if they had a really good color scan of yoru title - they would steal your car, and then try to fool someone by using the color scan as if it were legit. your car would be stolen one day, and for sale on craigslist for a really low price the next day - and they might try to sell it. tweakers will try all sorts of things to make money.... i kinda doubt that is what they are up to - but iw ouldn't take chances..
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