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Old 02-21-2009, 03:18 PM   #29
Fred Demara
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by brp987
If I purchase whatever widget it is that you produce, am I not paying your wage with which you fund your retirement savings?
that's the point...the reason GM needs a bailout is because no one was purchasing the "widget". In capitalism, we vote on a companies success with our dollars. Overwhelmingly, Americans, and the world have voted GM out of the car making business. And in a capitalist system, when you file chapter 11, your pension is done. No rights, no wrong, no moral judgements - it's just the set of rules that define a fair market.

When the fed steps in and (against the majority of Americas wishes) MAKES us responsible for GM's success, when they have failed miserably, that is called communism.
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