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Old 04-07-2005, 12:42 AM   #27
Richard Truss
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to read all these posts, you would think the reason we bought our boxster is because it fit our specific needs unlike any other car -- which i think we could all agree, in the price range for the boxster S (which i have) there are cars that are WAY faster, handle as good (or almost), are MUCH more practical, are FAR cheaper to maintain, are MUCH better on gas, are MUCH more comfortable -- the list goes on and on....

why did i buy my boxster S and never really gave ANY other car more than a passing thought? because -- to be blunt -- only a woman and a ferrari give me as much (or more) wood as a porsche. i love almost all porsches (save the 924). a porsche is a porsche -- and no merc, bimmer, Z06 or whatever will ever have the head-turning value and pure thrill of looking in and sitting in it as my boxster will.

the only drivers i envy are other porsche owners of my other favorite cars (968 and 993). bottom line is i love the handling, and i love the power, but those reasons came down the list for me -- it was all about looks, the badge, the heritage, and the car that everyone looks at. i have owned an E36 and a cherry impala SS (when they were actually rare) -- and im telling you, those cars never got any love from anyone. my porsche gets more attention that i would have ever imagined. but hey, its shallow -- but who am i fooling..... people love it for a reason -- a great car only a few of us are lucky enough to have. THATS why we buy these cars.

pardon the rant.
2000 S (3x Black)
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