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Old 10-15-2008, 11:37 PM   #46
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: CAlifornia
Posts: 70
Like any competitive sport I've learned it's best to do get good instruction FIRST. Join local pca, do car control clinics and autox's, they are great track prep. I've learned to be very comfortable with the car at 10 tenths. And when I do go past it, I feel comfortable reeling it in.
seat time, seat time, seat time. Its a visual sport, ride with a lot of different people and other cars too. Once you get your skills, then share them with others and instruct. Not the first to say -Keep looking way ahead, on turns brake early-slow in fast out, and late apex, late apex.

What else- oh yeah car set-up. I have learned how an alignment can effect the handling, what spring rates effect is on understeer and oversteer, camber settings, air pressures. and what different tires do or affect all the above.

Learned to experiment and try something different. For example on my 986 I run 285's 710's on all 4 9in wheels.
I dropped 3 seconds (track) from my prior 245 285 setup. I have learned that even the base boxster with only basic suspension mods and r tires can be one of the fastest cars out there on the track or autox.

number one thing I have learned after driving lots of cars on the track.
THe MID ENGINE 986 rock.

so much more to learn too!
its a blast-get out there and let the 986 out of captivity.

enjoy -
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