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Old 09-26-2008, 12:45 PM   #28
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 178
Everyone's got a different view on the one hand vs. two hands on the wheel thing. I base my view on what I've seen and experienced in sudden emergency situations. Here in AZ, because of the high heat and high freeway speeds (75 mph limit), blowouts are fairly common. While I don't expect a blowout to happen on my Boxster, it could, and on our Toyota Sienna, fully loaded on a 115 F day, it's probably a higher possibility. I'm pretty sure I don't want to try to keep our van under control if it had a blowout with just one hand on the wheel.

Another situation that's common here is having a driver turn in front of you at an intersection (lots of surface streets substituting for freeways). Again, I want both hands on the wheel.

If others feel comfortable with one hand in these situations, then go with what works for you.
Paul B. Anders / Phoenix, AZ
1970 Porsche 914 / 2003 Porsche Boxster / 2009 Honda Fit Sport Auto
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