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Old 08-18-2008, 02:10 AM   #38
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Deja vu all over again...

Well, here we go again -- last night (an hour ago) as our pool-hall was closing, I realized that the alarm on my Box was trigged, and sure enough, it was again assaulted -- this time not only with spit loogies but also with a few muffins that were mashed all over the seats & interior. What a class act.

-- peer

Originally Posted by Peer
Last night when I parked outside our billiards hall, a burly brute started to go off on how much he "hated" my car and that I "must be a retard for driving this piece of ****************." Since all his venom came completely unprovoked, I decided to stay cool to not provoke him any further. However, it probably got a bit awkward for him when I quietly picked up my pool cues from the trunk and followed him straight into the pool-hall -- he obviously didn't except that we would end up under the same roof and also seeing that I kind of "belonged" there.

I didn't think more about this as my practice time went about. But then, a few hours later, when I discover that the burly brute and his posse were checked out, it dawns on me that he might have done something to my car. So I run out to discover that the alarm was triggered and the car was covered with spit loogies. What a class act.

It's funny (not "ha-ha-funny" but "strange-funny") that envy, or whatever it is, can drive certain people to act like this, unprovoked. Hopefully he didn't also key the car -- tomorrow's daylight will tell.
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