I'm loving looking at everyone's dogs, and even though I'm not a "cat person," cartagena, your cats are adorable. There is a kitty in my neighborhood that I always see sleeping on the top of a conertible BMW around the corner. It must be a comfy place for cats.
Even though I have a cute little portable dog, I don't ride with her much. She does pretty good in the car, but I worry about getting in a wreck with her even with her harness on.
I've taken my brother's dog Zoe with me a few times, and one time I was going over some high speed bumps entering a parking lot with her. It's about three bumps and I have to sort of rev up my engine to get over them and sometimes the car rocks back and forth a bit in the process. She was standing on the seat leaning forward and every time the car would rock she'd rock back and forth with it. It's hard to describe, but she was so cute bouncing back and forth. Here are some pictures of her.